Site Map

The Hack for LA website is growing. We started with a one page website and we have been steadily adding content and features to accommodate our fully remote brigade.

Site Map as of 7/30/21

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Have you thought of something that you wish was on the Hack for LA site but don’t see it in the works? Please let us know what you would like added by opening a new issue with as much detail as you can. You will need a GitHub account to open an issue. If you don’t have one, you can always use the buttons on our Join page.

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Help Us Add Sections to the Website

We are looking for volunteers across all disciplines (UI/UX, Development, Data Science, Product, etc.) to help us improve the Hack for LA website! If you have ideas on how we can enhance the experience and/or are passionate about web development, please consider joining our team.

Check out our Wiki