EMS Triage Tracker

Project Overview



Partner: General Assembly (Downtown Campus), Lisa W. Anderson

Location: Downtown LA

Links: Github, Slack, Clickable Prototype, Overview

Tools: Figma, video production


The EMS Triage Tracker app provides the ability to track both primary and secondary triage during Mass Casualty Incidents, as well as provide incident command with tools to view and direct the operation of all personnel involved.

If you would like to talk to us about this completed project, please reach out to [email protected]

Project Team

Name: Bonnie Wolfe

Role: Agile Coach

Name: Dr. Stephen M. Hubbard

Role: System Design Project Advisor

Name: Shawn Duenas

Role: Project Manager, Presentation Build and UX Research

Name: Simone Wojtaszek

Role: Lead UX/UI Design and UX Research

Name: Nicole Doan

Role: Lead UX/UI Design and UX Research

Name: Conor McKiernan

Role: Logo Design and UX Strategy/Research

Name: Selena Jiang

Role: UI Design, Life Saving Measures screen

Name: Richa Srivastava

Role: UX Research

Name: Kelvin Nguyen

Role: UI Design, Individual Assessment screen

All-Time Contributors